Нархи паст тавассути Factory-Direct
Барои буридани миёнарав бевосита бо заводи электроника кор кунед. Асли нав бо нархи паст ва тахфиф
Эътимоднокии бехатар ва сифат
Системаи суғуртаи сифат барои сифати аълои маҳсулот. Дар сари вақт, ҳар вақт таъмин намудани ҷузъҳои сифат.
Зиёда аз 15 миллион захираҳо
100+ Истеҳсолкунандаи машҳури ҷаҳонӣ, зиёда аз 15 миллион инвентаризатсия. Саҳмияҳо дастрасанд, ки барои хариди мустақим бо нархи тахфиф дастгирӣ мекунанд.
Хизматрасонии дӯстона ба мизоҷон
Як ҳалли ягона, ки ба талаботи беназири шумо фардӣ карда шудааст. Дастгирӣ дар вебсайти 12 забон, роҳати бештар ва хидматҳои зуд.
Since the company was founded in 1999, InnoSenT has become a world leader in the field of radar technology, but it all started with a game-changing radar application for automated door opening. Over the years, the company established its expert status and developed numerous innovative radar solutions. Today, InnoSenT is pushing the development of radar technology with its engineering power and offers high-quality and advanced technology at fair market prices.
The products of the German company cover the requirements of various industrial sectors. The radar experts are the first stop for radar sensors for security, smart home, traffic management, level measurement, collision avoidance, and automotive. As a manufacturer and developer, InnoSenT supplies a full range of engineering services from customer-specific development to series production of standard products. Thanks to its strong focus on quality and innovation, InnoSenT has been following a course to global success for many years.